May 12·edited May 12Liked by Lynn Cady

Thank you for some sane writing about carbon. Louis Bromfield wrote about closing the loop some 70 years ago in your own state of Ohio. At the time he was considered an eccentric crank. The photo of the doe is lovely.

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Thank you, and also thanks for reminding me about Louis Bromfield. I just ordered his biography from the library.

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May 12Liked by Lynn Cady

His best books on farming and soil conservation are: Malabar Farm, and: From My Experience. My favorite: Animals and Other People. You should try and make it up to Malabar Farm this summer. Sure wish I could do it as a day trip. I would love to make another visit there.

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Thank you for the recommendations. I will definitely try to make it there this summer.

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May 17Liked by Lynn Cady

I enjoyed reading this and being reminded both of the scientific and the mystical properties of nature.

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Thanks Ruben. The scientific and the mystical. I like that phrasing. I'm constantly trying to understand both. I suppose we only separate them because we are modern humans. To our ancestors they were probably one and the same.

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