“Like I’ve done every year, I now vow that I will not allow zucchinification to happen again. Next year will be the one in which I keep up with everything enough to be able to reach each corner of the garden without using a machete. “

Love this Lynn. I love when Robin Wall Kimmerer talks about eutrophication in relation to house mess. So zuchinification is perfect for garden mess. Mary Oliver has a poem about this too and how much the birds love the garden mess. I have embraced mess this year but now am trying to open more space and tidy some paths for my own enjoyment. Sometimes I get down on myself because my garden doesn’t look like a magazine garden. But I’m trying to focus more on embracing what it is and my vision for it.

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Yeah, I have to fight that impulse, too, to compare my garden with the one on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens or some such.

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The garden is where I go to escape the house mess! Luckily even when it's out of control it is a relaxing place.

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Same! The garden is also why my house is such a mess as I choose to spend most of my time there.

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Zucchinification! Yes. Now we need a vacation from zucchinification, lol.

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Loved all this! The TT who left a bag of turnips on your porch is an awesome detail. Thanks for sharing the frenzied bounty stories with us! Our little garden is exploding all at once as well and I'm a bit dazzled and mystified!

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