Mar 12Liked by Lynn Cady

As someone who just sits in my storage-room studio tap tap tapping on my keyboard and only go outdoors for the occasional urban tramp-around, I’m thrilled to read about what sensible real-world-nature-connected people are up to. This blog is helps me immensely with discovering how out-of-it and disconnected from natural systems I really am. I enjoyed ALL of this but here are a few thoughts that occurred as I was reading...

"In fact, something was already gained — a few delicious hours messing around in the dirt and sun." That’s how I feel too, except I have nothing useful to do there and if people saw me acting like this at my local park they'd probably report me.

"One often hears that corn should be planted when oak leaves are the size of a squirrel's ears." This must be why I’ve never gotten around to planting any corn. Question: Do oak trees in Ohio have very small leaves, or is it that the squirrels are as big as cats?

"I would be only slightly surprised to discover a rat with a riding crop directing a squadron of mice transporting an egg from nesting box to to rat tunnel. Rats are highly intelligent and we shouldn't underestimate them." You've rocked my world. I throw up my hands. I’m been living in this gloomy writer’s den too long. I stand up on my shaky legs. It’s time to go outside!

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