Jun 14Liked by Lynn Cady

Great article and photos. Take away, not easy but worth the effort!

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Thanks, Sheryl! Yes, definitely worth the effort.

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Jun 14Liked by Lynn Cady

Great point! How to help people believe that it is possible, and worth the effort, to grow food…but also not discourage them or give false promises in the process. I post a lot of garden and local food related pictures and videos in the hopes of normalizing the idea of producing, cooking, and preserving your own food. (My circle is small, but I tell myself that every bit helps) I get so many comments like “so beautiful, but I couldn’t do it”, quite discouraging.

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Thanks for the comment! There are lots of people who believe in the myth of "the green thumb," like there's some special quality that only certain people possess. It's really just skills -- if you have the desire, you can learn.

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Jun 14Liked by Lynn Cady

Enjoyed the article and realized I've never tasted a black raspberry. I thought it might be Ohio dialect for blackberry, but I looked it up and found out that they are two distinct fruits. So I learned something and you've given me a new phobia as well. "Jumping worms?!"

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Wow, you really need to get out more. Maybe to a grocery store with a good produce section. The jumping worms are the stuff of nightmares. They are extremely plump and they wiggle like little snakes. And they are in California now so be on the lookout.

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You and I are completely in synch on this.

Our sand cherry harvest last year was insane, but this year, they’re spotty and smaller, not as juicy. We’ve grown carrots for years with rabbits kept out by a modular fence, but this year, the rabbits dug under the fence and ate all of the carrot tops. Our cat will poop into buckets of storage potatoes.

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I never know what will do well, and what will fail, but at least I've never had poop in the potatoes. That sounds nasty!

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Yeah, they obviously weren’t salvageable. Recently he began to use a large potted plant as a litter box. The problem is that he likes to perch when doing his biz.

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Jun 19Liked by Lynn Cady

I believe the term you're looking for is "Curse of Knowledge". It's a logical fallacy, where someone assumes that the person they're communicating with has all the knowledge and information that they do.

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That's it! Thank you.

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