The mossy corner is divine! And I have been so impressed with your pawpaw patch, too. Letting the land breathe and come to life, that seems like such a wonderful thing to get to experience.
I'm very lucky to get to experience this! The mossy area is strange and wonderful. There is an underground spring or some sort of geological anomaly that creates a very moist spot where the vegetation is much thicker, and very different from the surrounding area.
The mossy corner is divine! And I have been so impressed with your pawpaw patch, too. Letting the land breathe and come to life, that seems like such a wonderful thing to get to experience.
I'm very lucky to get to experience this! The mossy area is strange and wonderful. There is an underground spring or some sort of geological anomaly that creates a very moist spot where the vegetation is much thicker, and very different from the surrounding area.