“There something to be said for not constantly striving for perfection and being happy with good enough.” I know you hate extra links but here’s a theme song for this post. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OezjWN44Ejc&pp=ygUYR29vZCBlbm91Z2ggbW9sbHkgdHV0dGxl

You are wise Lynn. Great post.

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Yes, as a permaculturally handicapped urban person, it is true I was curious where you were going with all these paragraphs about goats, canning, and potato types… but I didn’t care because your exploits are all so fabulously rustic! And, on the subject of growing “colorful landscapes that delight the eye and calm the mind,” I want to say there are some very evocative photos here.

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I am the Martha Stewart of rusticity. By evocative, do you mean provocative? I don't mean them to be.

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No, I meant they evoke a quiet, pre-industrial way of life. You know, when everybody actually knew the names of flowers and birds and actually knew how to do stuff.

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