Thank you for a wonderfully written piece. Nothing in my life has provided me as much peace and enjoyment as gardening. I once toyed with the idea of getting a Master Gardener certificate...but then I thought...why? To impress others? I don't need that. I already know everything in the classes. I've learned by observing and doing. I garden for the pleasure it brings me.

Two days ago, I had the urge to drive (80 miles) to the extremely rural community I grew up in. As I slowly drove the lanes where 50 years ago neighbor kids, my siblings and myself used to ride bikes/horses, catch frogs, play softball in the pastures, and swim in the river...it was as quiet as a tomb. Where were all the kids? Some 50 years ago these same country roads would be teaming with kids on a beautiful July day. Either nobody with children lives there anymore, or the kids are all in the house, parked in front of a screen. It was a nostalgic day, yet I felt a deep sense of sadness.

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Thank you for the comment and the complement. The neighborhoods I played in have changed too, mostly because the residents are aging, but no doubt video games and phones play a part as well.

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Gosh. This piece is also great. I absolutely agree with you about building harmony between the hands and mind, about observing nature, about how doing things the "hard way" can become a path to learning. Are we old fashioned? Absolutely. You just have to look around. So many essential things are neglected now or lumped into the category of trivial annoyances. It's not just young people either. It feels like a general trend, a devaluation of real life experience, common knowledge and common sense.

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Your last sentence really sums it up. It's kind of funny that I used to get really annoyed at the people who live around here because they are so stubbornly conservative and it's very hard to change anything. Now I find it comforting because even though I often disagree with the politics, there's a lot of respect for people who actually do things. Farming, manual trades, etc. Kids still do 4H which I find very reassuring.

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I loved being in 4-H. They made is possible for kids in very isolated areas to be in 4-H independently. That is how I was involved.

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Bravo 👏!

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Yeah. Bought a plot of land. Been digging weeds and swinging a scythe whacking at roots. Today planting sun flowers Jamaica pumpkins watermelons etc. My wife commented at how good it feels to be in a body and how happy it makes her.

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