I subscribe to a few substacks written by real farmers. When I read them, it is very apparent to me that (despite having this super cool barn door) I am not a real farmer, and I'm okay with that. I dabble in growing fruits and vegetables, raising chickens, and grazing large herbivores. I have a full time off-farm job that occupies much of my life. Writing takes the back burner in spring because there is so much to do at work and at home.
I salute the real farmers who find time to write during this very busy season, and also everyone who can consistently come up with interesting ideas to expound upon. Right now I find it difficult to finish a sentence without a dozen revisions, and I have way too many drafts in the queue that never seem to come to anything.
But the air is soft, the sun is warm, and the grass is growing. And the tulips are blooming! Here are two small peeks at spring at Turtle Paradise. Hope you enjoy.
Three minute garden walk:
An extremely windy day: